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Slow Fashion Game for the young

Slow Fashion Game – from ultrafast fashion to slower options.
I participated into this project as a part of Josko-collective that consists of future researcher Jenna Puikkonen, storyteller Ulla Pulkka and me as a sustainability oriented service designer.

In this digital and collaborative game, build on Seppo-platform, upper and second decree students can learn what is fast fashion and why the change for a slower one would be needed as a part of the bigger sustainable transformation towards more resilient future where the human activity is aligned with  planetary boundaries. Josko-collective’s part was to bring futures thinking into the game in a form of a positive ways to imagine better futures and  eventually create an encouraging tone-of-voice to the contents.

From fast to slow fashion game offers up-to-date information about the central disadvantages, state of ethics, human right violations, environmental harm created and all the other issues and wicked problems in the fast fashion environment. The goal of the game is to encourage the players to towards critical thinking and imagining different futures for the whole industry – not to forget the fact that players get also to think about how they can influence the course of the future with their own actions. Although the topic is serious, the game is not intended to discourage. The idea is to first understand the wicked issues related to the whole fashion industry and then imagine more sustainable ways to produce textile fibres, manufacture and distribute clothes, sell and keep the fashion pieces longer in use and in the end how to recycle them in a circular manner.

The game can be ordered from Youth Academy starting from January 2023 and it is free free of charge for educational institutions and other youth groups. The game is designed in cooperation with Eetti, Josko-collective, Fuusio learners and PhD researchers Anna Härri and Essi Vesterinen. The project is financed by the Kone Foundation. Photos and illustrations used in this portfolio item are by Youth Academy.

“Hod dogs are nowadays made from the thing air. Or carbon dioxide!” – player Y

The game can be ordered from Youth Academy starting from January 2023 and it is free free of charge for educational institutions and other youth groups. The game is designed in cooperation with Eetti, Josko-collective, Fuusio learners and PhD researchers Anna Härri and Essi Vesterinen. The project is financed by the Kone Foundation. Photos and illustrations used in this portfolio item are by Youth Academy.

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