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Sustainable Futures Game

Sustainable Futures 2030 Game
Sustainable Futures 2023 Game is a scenario based serious game for turning the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) into actionable and tailored objectives. I created the game logic and visual design, and co-created the contents while my time at Hellon, as a part of a CreaTures EU project.

Accelerating sustainability transitions requires creativity and imagination to concretise desirable alternative futures built in engaging narratives. For this purpose, we designed the Sustainability Futures Game. The game can be played as physical or online version and is designed for people with leadership and sustainability related roles within organisations.

The idea is that Sustainable Futures Game gathers together players 
to co-vision a desirable future state of 2030 and build scenarios about the desirable futures and second backcast to 
find out critical challenges and solutions 
to achieve this desirable future and start building the path towards the future.

While playing, participants are able to form a holistic understanding of interdependencies and long term consequences of todays decisions. Via the iteration rounds with participants representing the target audience, the game was proven to be a fruitful conversation starter for near-future strategy discussions.

Read more about the CreaTures project here.

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